Monday, January 21, 2013

hey so  i was gonna say I CANT LOG IN !  Why? When i look up msp it just shows some lines. O_O WHAT THE HECK! btw this always happens to me -_- So yea and sorry if im not posting anything lately -_- ok byez! 
--> nicki <---

Monday, January 7, 2013


Well as you can see that I messed up on why are there rumors about me SRRY I can't see well because I'm sick really bad. So I will fix that post after or tomorrow ok thanks for understanding ok now bai!


Why Are There Rumors About Me?

Okay there has been soo much rumors about me. People or my friends are telling me that some Girls are calling me stuff. I didn't do anything to them! I don't even know them! So not to be mean but STOP THE FREAKING RUMORS! YOU WOULDN'T LIKE IT IF I TOLD BAD THINGS ABOUT YOU! Ok thank u for reading this post. Bai (>^.^)>


Saturday, January 5, 2013


Heyy so i just saw that we had 1,628 people saw our blog! THANK YUH! so that was our goal so now its 1,900! Okai so now bai

----> nicki, Missy & Alyssa <-----