Wednesday, September 11, 2013

O.O pump planet is here

O_O pump planet is here... I made a account but I don't really like It e.e.. But I'm pretty sure they just made it tho because it says there's only 183 players o_o but if u wanna check it out the website is pump planet my first world o.o.. Thanks for the tip sareena121 ;DDD oh btw o.o my msp Canada account is: Candy=3

Friday, August 2, 2013

Joanna Pety. quit :O

OMG! JOANNA PETY. QUIT! people kept telling me that she quit but I didn't believe them so.. I checked the highscores and her name wasn't there!! I kept wondering why she quit the only person that knows why she quit is kk summer R.I.P WE WILL MISS U JOANNA PETY. !!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Msp Youtube o3o

e.e okie for a couple of days now..... msp youtube isnt working T-T its not loading D:< i thought it was just my computer.... O_____O but then my fwends kept complaining about it to o3o and its almost 3 in da morning so imma go tew bed O.O byeeeeerrrr

Monday, July 1, 2013

Cutestuff. Is Adding People :O

Cute stuffis adding ppl omg :O Wow i cant believe dat is actually happening o_o.Maybe pumpchkin will start adding ppl later on o-e.
 o.o finally they started adding e.e

Donnie C. & Cutestuff.

:O OMG! Donnie C. & Cutestuff. are dating!!!!! O_O Wow... I wonder how pump feels about them dating. Is she mad at Cutes? Is she ok with them dating? O.O

Jerseyhotmess banned :O

OMFG O_O. Everones wondering why she got banned and im wondering to o_e. I was checking the highscores today and she wasnt there. I thought i was just going blind so i looked her up. i was like what da hell e-o Most of my friends are sending MSP stuff to give Jerseys account back. I want her account 2 be back D:< o_o

Msp Update -.-

>.< the new msp update is Safe Chat. In my opinion I hate it O_O. I mean like u cant even say like a name -.- Most of my friends are complaining about it to. Its been getting on my freaking nerves -.-... o.o

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

O______O READ!!

o_o hallo der.. we're sowwy we didnt post anything for a LONG time e.e And I found this girl in my room stalking me and my friend Alyssa O.O then I left she followed me nd i dunno how she found mee O___O. Me nd my 3 other fwends think its Nightmare because she said shes going to be back o_o. Heres a pic of her e-o
 She looks kinda creepy O.O  mk baiii O_O

Sunday, May 26, 2013

New Hacker: Thelockerroom

Herro Der O_O erm >.< I was on forums nd I saw this forum say: NEW HACKER (d) O_O. I read it and this iz whut da forum said: Name: Thelockerroom                                      What Does She do: She hacks ppl and make their screens go black and sends them gf requests nd make so they cant decline it. Multiple have reporting LOSING their account all of a sudden. This is not a joke. Beware of her! Beware of it... You may be next.. Dats whut da forum said O_O heres a picture of dis lockerroom lady O.O
 o-o she scares da shit otta me idk why tho o_o     - nicki, Missy, nd Alyssa -

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Dolly o-o

Ok yea i was bored again so i went hacker hunting again e.e Me nd Alyssa were in her room & she just popped up der o_o i dnt like dolls so i was scared O.O Here is a pic of her profile O.O
 o_o o_o o_o well shes da new hacker o-o... bye O_O


OH MI GLOB :O i was hacker hunting wit mi best fwend Alyssa & Grim the reaper just popped up O_O. I was like wdf O_O Here iz a pic e.e
 Erm >.< she creeps meh out O.O ok bye o-o  (>._.)>

Friday, April 19, 2013

< nightmare >

Otay sowwy dat me & Missy havent been posting NOTHING... so sowwy :( Anyways, there ish a new hacker on msp. o_o Shes been stalking me EVERYWHERE v-v & she said some inappropriate things to meh & meh 3 best fwends e-e... Then one day we were hunting & then she said she wasnt da only < nightmare > So then theres a whole family! O_O O_O So if u look up: < nightmare > Ur ganna see 2 press any of em e-e Here is a picture of < nightmare >
                                                                           Okay so yea O.O byez!!!!!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Real Grudge

The Real Grudge on msp :D got deleted ! :). She was really nice thought. Nicki gave her a wl .AND dats why u dont judge a book by its cover or people yo! ^_^. ANYWAYS msp is safe once again ! :)

------> Missy & Nicki :D<------

Monday, March 25, 2013

Easter Diamond Ride!

Hey guys so me & Missy are gonna do da diamond ride. Da day we ish doing it ish Saturday, March 30, 2013. Da time ish 3:30 & Missy will do it at 3:24. Missy ish doing it at Bling Bling  Cafe. Im gonna do it at Bunny Cafe.   Dis ish our Easter present o_o. So yea bye! 

----> Missy & Nicki <---

The Real Grudge

Hai its me Missy & Nicki o_o.. So me & Nicki were Mary hunting & some girl called the grudge popped up out of nowhere e-e. She does look like ze Grudge though. Heres a picture of her..
 Ok so that was a picture of her <---. Now here is a picture of her room..... O_O So yea ok bai :D                          
-----> Nicki & Missy <----

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Why We Took Out Alyssa's Name From Ze Blog..

Hai o_o Me & Missy decided that we shouldve tooked out Alyssa's name from ze blog.... Well first of all she didnt do ANYTHING  to the blog. All the posts we did was from me & Missy... She only did like 2 posts. Today she made a new blog o_o. Its called Mspnewswithalyssa,nicki,&Missy. Then I told her "its da same title as me & Missy 's  blog " She didnt even reply.. So yeah thats why we took her name off of ze blog... So yeah Alyssa if ur reading dis, me & Missy are sowwy. We hope u understand :( so yea  . . . . bai !

----> Nicki & Missy <-----

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mary Got Deleted!

Well i was bored so i looked up : MaryTheReaper & SHE GOT DELETED!!!!!! yay! ^-^ but later on today she made a new account O_o. So i just checked again she got deleted AGAIN! woohooo! ok bye!
---> Nicki & Alyssa <----

Monday, February 11, 2013



Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mary The Reaper O.O READ!

Ok so theres been this person stalking me , dezzysodope , and kekeflo. Her name ish MaryTheReaper. o_o Everywhere me and dezzy go SHE FOLLWS >.< She hacks u though O.O So here are some pictures of her and stuff xDD
-----> Nicki <----

Monday, January 21, 2013

hey so  i was gonna say I CANT LOG IN !  Why? When i look up msp it just shows some lines. O_O WHAT THE HECK! btw this always happens to me -_- So yea and sorry if im not posting anything lately -_- ok byez! 
--> nicki <---

Monday, January 7, 2013


Well as you can see that I messed up on why are there rumors about me SRRY I can't see well because I'm sick really bad. So I will fix that post after or tomorrow ok thanks for understanding ok now bai!


Why Are There Rumors About Me?

Okay there has been soo much rumors about me. People or my friends are telling me that some Girls are calling me stuff. I didn't do anything to them! I don't even know them! So not to be mean but STOP THE FREAKING RUMORS! YOU WOULDN'T LIKE IT IF I TOLD BAD THINGS ABOUT YOU! Ok thank u for reading this post. Bai (>^.^)>


Saturday, January 5, 2013


Heyy so i just saw that we had 1,628 people saw our blog! THANK YUH! so that was our goal so now its 1,900! Okai so now bai

----> nicki, Missy & Alyssa <-----