Sunday, May 26, 2013

New Hacker: Thelockerroom

Herro Der O_O erm >.< I was on forums nd I saw this forum say: NEW HACKER (d) O_O. I read it and this iz whut da forum said: Name: Thelockerroom                                      What Does She do: She hacks ppl and make their screens go black and sends them gf requests nd make so they cant decline it. Multiple have reporting LOSING their account all of a sudden. This is not a joke. Beware of her! Beware of it... You may be next.. Dats whut da forum said O_O heres a picture of dis lockerroom lady O.O
 o-o she scares da shit otta me idk why tho o_o     - nicki, Missy, nd Alyssa -

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Dolly o-o

Ok yea i was bored again so i went hacker hunting again e.e Me nd Alyssa were in her room & she just popped up der o_o i dnt like dolls so i was scared O.O Here is a pic of her profile O.O
 o_o o_o o_o well shes da new hacker o-o... bye O_O


OH MI GLOB :O i was hacker hunting wit mi best fwend Alyssa & Grim the reaper just popped up O_O. I was like wdf O_O Here iz a pic e.e
 Erm >.< she creeps meh out O.O ok bye o-o  (>._.)>