Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pump Planet Coming Soon O_____O

Heres a picture of the website pump planet.
Hey people I heard Pump Planet coming soon heres a picture of a website of pump planet  I  will visit pump planet and tell you guys about it but it coming Febuary  2013 i think so yah baii :(    
-nicki minaj 600-


Hey people my friend Seanna1145 is getting stalked by Cowmadepoopy!. Oh and Seanna1145 owns a blog its msptimewithseanna1145and you! So yah remember check out her blog to.Here is a picture of that stalker.LOL read her status xD It says : De poop shall haunt your dreams! MWAHAHAHA! lol aint it funny.  Oh k so if your friend she might stalk you ILL  post some stuff late bai people 

Msp Backround And Shopping Center Changed

here is the shopping center
here is the homepage        
Hey people I just came from school & I went on msp. They changed the back round ! Since it's almost Christmas the back round is like a place snowing in a village. It so pweety xD. Anyways here a picture of  the homepage. OMG  I just went in the shop and everything like  a Christmas thing so here is a picture. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Msp Might Shut Down!

Heyy people moviestarplanet might shut down.:'( ALL OF THIS GONNA SHUT DOWN BECAUSE OF PUMP PLANET >.< For some reason now you guys know why pumpchkin became so famous because WE MADE US FAMOUS SO TO THE PUMP PORTERS OR THE FANS OF PUMP WILL MAKE MOVIESTARPLANET SHUT DOWN! So are you guys now happy that msp might shut down. Its gonna be hard for me because im soooooooooooooooooo addictad to dis game! Sorry if the spelling is off my spelling was sooo off today xD. Anyways srry if this sounded like a mean message. Dont judge mwa.
----------------------------> nicki minaj 600 <-------------------------------------

The Shopping & Animations Shop Changed

The first picture shows the animation shop.
the 2 picture shows the shopping center.

Hey people  i know i made one how msp changed but now I got proof if some of you guys don't believe meh. So here is me at the animation shop and the shopping center

The Owners Of This Blog

Hey people here are the peeps dat own the blog: This one is me im the midget xD Im the leader of the blog. The one under me is Missy Dj. Last the girl with the  the dark purple hair she is the tip person and she the security or something ^o^. So yah remember to friend us and btw we bffs in realz . the security her name Alyssa in real life Missy Dj the 2 leader is Rachel and mine is Jada peeps call us JAR xD soooooo BAI PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
-nicki minaj 600,alyssalight and Missy Dj-

Anonymous In Pumpchkin's Room Again!

 Hey peeps I went in pumpchkin's room again and I saw 2 anonymous!Theres a boy and a girl. Oh and im da girl next to da guy with the lipstick he gave me a auto!^o^ Anyways so since i know how to put pic on now ill post some more picks about movie star planet.
Bai!!!! my peeps! 
-nicki minaj 600-

Monday, November 26, 2012

Msp Really Changed

Hey people well we reached our goal! So remember the new goal is 1300. Also I got a tip from my friend barbiehip so thnxs  barbiehip! Ok so she told me that they changed the shopping place. They did change it! It's a little confusing and weird now. Now if you go chat somewhere it's DIFfreNT now to. You can change the color of your words and in your profile you can change it.So yah and thnxs for seeing the news today bai or goodnight!
-nicki minaj 600-  ill post some stuff  tomarrow cause I sleepy bai again!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Me & Missy's Goal

Heyyyyy guys me and Missy's goal was 400 but we passed it! Well you guys passed it not us.xD So since you guys passed our goal it's gonna go up. So the news goal is to reach a thousand and if we pass that goal the new goal will be 1300 and if we pass that every time it will go up 300.So yah that me and Missy's goal & remember thank you all for visiting this blog!!
-nicki minaj 600 & Missy Dj-


Hey guys so me and Missy just wanted to say THANK UUUUUU!!!!!!!!! So now 900 people saw our blog!!! Thanks peeps!! Well me & Missy gonna post some stuff later so yah bai!!!!!!!!! For now xD              
-nicki minaj 600&Missy Dj-

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Geo's Might Be Gone In A Week

Hey peeps I just got a tip from meh bestie Ms Perfectio. She said the geo's might end in a week.They might so if I were you I would buy as many geo's as you can ^o^.Here's a tip if you don't have enough money to buy a geo skirt ask someone or go around msp and collect sc (starcoins).So yah thnxs for the tip Ms Perfectio! And remeber save your money up. So thts all for the news for today.Goodnight peeps!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                   -nicki minaj 600- :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Geo's Are Back!

Heyy guys well I guess my opinion was wrong about geo's. GEO'S CAME OUT TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are 400$ so girls save up your money!Well imma stop talking and post some other stuff later. BAI!!! MY PEEPS! -nicki minaj 600-

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Anonymous In Pumpchkin's Room

Heyy peeps I went in pumpchkin's room & I saw anonymous in her room!I would proove it but idk how to put a picture on here.Don't judge me im new at this!XD Anyways when I find out how to put the picture on here ill edit it on here :)Well back to the news.Anonymous is always in pumpchkin's room or horror cafe or anything that starts with horror.If you look on some people profile if they are hacked it would say : Hacked by anonymous ~nobodys safe~ and I forgot the rest.xD. Well that's it for today's news so bai people!!!!!!! -nicki minaj 600-

Never Trust No One

Hiya  Missy Dj here I just wanted to say that I got tricked so many times by people. Me & nicki got tricked alot. Well people told me to give em a greeting for a geo skirt. I gave em da greetin she was like go cry to your mommy because I tricked you. That happened to me & nicki. So NEVER EVER trust no one . Even my best friends trick me! Nicki's sister on msp tricked her.So thats why I only trus nicki and alyssalight.Sooo yah I should stop texting bai people!!!!!!!                                                     -Missy Dj-

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hey its alyssalight

So i hear that there are rumors about my bestie (nicki minaj 600) who ever saying that STOP IT RIGHT NOW or else i will slap the heck out of you?? Huh don't push me okay okay nobody say rumors about my bestie who owns this blogg so yeah she has more self knowledge than you so yeah DON'T TEMP ME!!!!! or else i will slap the heck out of you AGAIN!!!!! Muah ha ha ha haAA

Never Share Your Password On Msp

Hey guys well my friend alyssa light plays msp and she gave me ideas what to put on here.So she would like if u guys could friend her.So Im giving her all the credit.She went around msp and she saw people giving there password to other people so they can give them starcoins and diamonds.For realz never ever give your password because they can take your clothes,diamonsds, and starcoins.About 95% you will see your diamonds,your starcoins,and your clothes will be gone. Me ,Missy Dj , and alyssalight approve this message.:)                                                                           -nicki minaj 600&Missy Dj-

Rumors About Me :(

Hey guys so I found out that there had ben rumors about me.:( I found out that there had ben rumors about me from my friend.So thnxs girlygirl for telling me. I also heard tht the person making up stuff about me she said im a nasty pig a** h***.:'( So I was like aww why me. I don't even know the person who making up stuff about me.I wish someone could help me beat her up :D. Well im sorry if this message sounds mean lol. I just wanted to say it because im mad :D.   So yah peace.                 -nicki minaj 600-

Meh Bestie (APRIL767)

Goodmorning people well it's the afternoon so good afternoon peeps.^o^ Well I just wanted to say something bout APRIL767. If you guys want you can always friend her. She supports me all the time,and she's a good friend.Dude if your watchiong this then good because your the best friend any person could have.         So yah  BAIIIIII!!!!!                                                                                         -nicki minaj 600-

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thnxs For The Views

Hey guys thank you all for seeing our blog. Me (nicki) & Missy Dj are really happy because of you! We got 282 views!!! We really can't explain how much we are thankful . Well BAI!! Me & Missy Dj luv you all bai !!                                                                                                                     -nicki minaj 600&Missy Dj-

Meh bestie (Ms Perfectio)

Hey people  so I wanted to put this on here because meh bestie means everything to me so yah. Her name is Ms Perfectio :). If your watching this then good cause you one of the best besties in the world.

meh bestie (Hannah)

Hey people well just now my friend Hannah4018 just gave me a greeting ! So Hannah if your watching this thnxs for being so nice to meh &you rock dude !! ----------> -nicki minaj 600-       <-----------  

Missy Dj's Words About Msp

Hey people i just wanted to tell you that it's not fair for the non vip people. It's not fair for them because the clothes they want is vip. Some of the people that are not vip ask vip people to turn em into vip. To some vips  it might be fair to the non vip people. They do that because there already pretty. Im vip and I feel sorry for non vip peeps. you know vip or not vip they are still movie stars & humans                                                                                                                                                  Me and nicki approve this message                                                                                                           -Missy Dj-

Clothes Should Be Cheaper On Msp

Heyy Missy Dj here I just wanted to say that the clothes on moviestarplanet. I think the clothes should be a cheaper. Imma cheap person yo !! So don't judge me lol ^o^. Ok but for realz people at chatrooms beg for money , greetings , and wl gifts. I feel so sad when i see them beg. Like even i need starcoins !!                                                                                              I approve this message                                                                                                   -Missy Dj-

Diamond Ride

Heyy guys so I know the diamond ride came out a long time ago. Not to be stupid but i thought the diamond ride was  going to give you diamonds. lol i think wrong alot like nicki. But now since people use the diamond ride it about u use 15 diamonds and you get 1000 star coins and you give 1000 starcoins. When they did it i was like wuuuuuuuuttttttt :D                                                                                                                                           -Missy Dj-

Bullying On Msp

hey guys so I went around msp and i saw some moviestars bullying other moviestars. I don't want this to sound mean but you wouldn't like to be bullied. Me and Missy get bullied and we dont like it. So to the bullies on moviestarplanet you need to stop bullying because u wouldnt like to be bullied. Me & Missy Dj approve this message.                                                                                                                                                           -Missy Dj & nicki minaj 600-

Rumors About Geo's

Hiya so there has ben rumors that geo's are coming back few days ago but they didnt. Some people say they are coming in November or December. I don't think there coming back soon though.I think there coming January or something. It's my opinion so yah. Missy Dj thinks the geo's are coming on January too. Me and Missy think some people are lying about the geo's.If u think it is true leave a comment me and Missy we read your message so yah BAI !!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                         -Missy Dj & nicki minaj 600-


hey so Missy Dj found out that when you log in there is a page all about twilight! Im a fan of twiliht but i didnt see it but today imma go see it so yay! Missy Dj is a big fan of twilight like meeeee :D. So if u see the twilight page the characters looks like the real characters !! So ill describe how the characters look on msp. First ill show u Edward. Well of course hes a vampire. lolz. Well the character that is playing Edward on moviestarplanet he has a pale skin he has vampire teeth and his hair is brownish. Well the msp person playing Bella really looks like the real Bella. She has brown hair her eyes are now red because shes now a vampire. Now imma talk about jacob^o^ well the character in  here dooesnt look that much like jacob but he has brown hair  and siburns when he is turning into a werewolf. BTW JACOB IN THE MOVIE IS SOOO HOT !! :D                                                          -Missy Dj & nicki minaj 600-

Anonymous Said She Gonna Hack meh

hey  so just now a anonymous said they gonna hack me. She just came up to my screen and said she gonna hack me and said she hacks everyone :( I didnt panic because she was  so fake.:D So many anonymous said that they gonna hack me but they all seem to be fake but the real one has NO NAME ! :O        

Msp Might Turn Into Pump Planet

hey so i heard that moviestarplanet is turning into pump planet.Me and Missy Dj are fans of pumpchkin but we think pump planet is going a little bit over bored.-_- . We don't want this message to sound like we are pump haters. We are a big fan of pump. So when i mean like its going over bored it like when we go to chat rooms everything will be pump. It sounds like a good idea to be in pump planet but at the same time its not because some people might not like pump planet for some reason.Some people hate her more than people love her.-_-                                                                                                                                                            --Missy Dj & nickiminaj600-

About me and Missy Dj

About me (nickiminaj600) and Missy Dj .                                                                                                                                                                     First i will be talking about meeeeee :D I play movie star planet and im at level 8. Im VIP and ill always be at the mall or Horror cafe. Now ill talk about Missy Dj . She a nice person on movie star planet like me. She's my bestie on moviestarplanet. If u would like to friend her then look up Missy Dj and she's at level three and she will always be at her house or following me.She's a vip like meh. You guys can always friend me and Missy Dj. Remember my name is : nicki minaj 600                 -----------> -nicki minaj 600 & Missy Dj-    <-----------

New Hacker